Welcome! It's Time to Plan!

They say, ‘when you fail to plan, you plan to fail’, so you’re in a very good place to get ahead of things right now.

On this page you’ll find info on our upcoming programs so you can plan your availability early so you don’t miss out

AND to get the early bird rates & inside scoop to make your training budget give you the best possible ROI!

Upcoming Training Events

Last updated 22/11/2024

NLP, Leadership, Communication & Wellbeing Programs

We know you’re busy juggling challenges & roles, so here is where you’ll find our 2025 programs. We add to this regularly, so visit again soon, or call us if there are programs you’d like to see run here in Whangarei! 

We’re still adding descriptions of the programs here so check out the full list in the downloadable training calendar, and feel free to contact us with any particular questions you may have while our website catches up with the awesomeness available to you!

2day block – opt for Feb or March in 2025

Keys to Success Weekend 2025

You can start your NLP education with the internationally recognised 2 day Intro workshop ‘keys to success’. In 2025 we have 2 dates available for you to opt into. Feb & March.

2-4 day blocks run monthly starting Feb or March 2025

NLP Practitioner Certification

You can complete each of the 5 remaining modules over 1 long weekend each month, or do part of it this year and finish it off at a later date. Dates below!

Begins Nov 18th 2025

NEW to Whangarei! IANLP approved NLP Master Practitioner Certification

Ready to take your NLP expertise to a new level and work with clients to help them change the things holding them back and weighing them down? This will help you take your NLP practice and knowledge to the next level, so you are ready and feeling confident to do exactly that!

1 Day Workshop – October 2025

Story-Telling: Connect & inspire with Authentic Narratives

We all know that it’s never facts and logic that change us in any sort of meaningful, lasting or inspiring way. And who doesn’t need to influence others to achieve their vision/goals?

If we really want to get others on board, for professional reasons or in our lives more broadly… if we really want to inspire change, and connect with others at a deeper level, it’s about knowing how to engage the WHOLE person. That is, their curiosity and imagination… at a deeper level than you have before.

Learn from master story-teller Jaki GT how to use stories to engage and inspire others. We’ll explore using tools such as metaphor, using anecdotes from your own life to speak your authentic truth through sharing your story/stories, and framing a message to speak so you are actually seen and heard!

Coming in October 2025.  Ready to get clear and creative? To turn anecdotes or ideas into stories for use in your whanau, mahi or community? Register your interest today!

This program is 3 x 4 hour sessions

Courageous Conversations at Work!

Develop the skills and presence/calmness of mind to speak your truth/mind in a situation where you are NOT yet seeing eye to eye.  While the default kiwi way is to ‘button up’ or ‘suck it up’ and ‘ride it out’ our wellbeing statistics suggest there must be a better way.

In this 3 part workshop you’ll discover skills to access a state of calm (that elusive skill that you have most of the time… until you REALLY need it), stand in your power (with clarity of purpose and ready to identify what both parties need), and work through conflict with an approach that sets you up for success – to communicate in a way that builds rather than damages your relationship or personal wellbeing.

We’ll explore workplace & personal applications so bring scenarios you want to feel clear and able to have courageous conversations in and we’ll make this applied.

Participants must register for all 3 dates (8th April, 6th May and 10th June). Register now to be eligible for the early bird rate of just $750+GST per person and secure your place!

2 x 4 hour sessions 4th & 11th March

Anxiety Unpacked & Addressed

Anxiety is on the rise more than ever before & it affects high performers too.

In this 2 part program* you’ll learn about the structure of anxiety and better understand how you’re ‘wired’ so you can start to ‘re-wire’/re-set.  This program also includes a one-to-one session with Jaki GT on completion of the program to build further confidence/strategies.

During the program you’ll discover several simple, powerful NLP-based tools you can use to address, reduce and yes, even dissolve anxiety.  Sound pretty fantastical? It kind of is! You’ll learn new ways to think about the things that were tying you up in knots, so they no longer control you and govern your response and actions.

This is the stuff we aren’t taught, that can make all the difference! Register today to secure your place at the early bird rate of just $550+GST per person (which INCLUDES the one-to-one follow up session).  Dates are 4th and 11th March – 4 hours both days to make up the total 8 hours of training. Some homework will also be given. See you there – it’s going to be life-changing!

1/2 Day Workshop – 20th Feb OR 20th March (running twice)

NLP at Work!

This 1/2 day program will introduce you to some of the concepts and tools you can master through NLP that will give you an edge in your mahi.

Its perfect if you’re looking to spice up your PD for your team, or looking for fresh inspiration for your own development that’s not just ‘more of the same’.

The focus of this workshop is ‘what is NLP and how can it be applied in the workplace’.  Want to find out how these skills and approaches can make life easier not only personally but AT WORK? Want to have enough of an understanding to decide if further NLP training might be your next step? Nau mai, haere mai! This will be illuminating and fascinating and the investment is only $250+GST per person for this 1/2 day primer.

This program is 3 x 4 hour sessions

Creating Flow & Getting Your Bounce Back!

Are you or your team feeling fatigued or kind of tapped out? Would you like to be able to tap into motivation and a better mindset at an unconscious level?

This 3 part workshop (1/2  day a week, over 3 weeks) will introduce you to the power of your unconscious mind and how we can change our thinking at that deeper level so you’re not reliant on willpower and ‘have tos’ to get through.

In this introductory NLP-based program we’ll look at resilience & empowered thinking, we’ll explore motivation and useful vs limiting beliefs and we’ll start to uncover how you can reprogram unwanted thinking patterns.

This is a chance to look at not just what you’re thinking but how, and to learn a few ideas and tools to transform your thinking for better results.

Nau mai, haere mai! This will be illuminating and fascinating and the investment is only $750+GST per person. 

This is a  2 part program

2 x 4 hour sessions in March

Anxiety Unpacked – Finding a better way.

Anxiety is on the rise and we all know it bring you down in a big way if you’re suffering from anxiety, worry or even imposter syndrome.

In this 2 part workshop* you’ll learn about the structure of anxiety and better understand how you’re ‘wired’ so you can start to ‘re-wire’/re-set.  This program also includes a one-to-one session with Jaki GT on completion of the program to build further confidence or do deeper work, should you want to.

During the progrma you’ll discover several simple, powerful NLP-based tools you can use to address, reduce and yes, even dissolve anxiety.  Sound pretty fantastical? It kind of is! You’ll learn new ways to think about the things that were tying you up in knots, so they no longer control you and govern your response and actions. Learn to re-train your thought patterns, and adjust the way you think, and enjoy the results.

This is the stuff we aren’t taught, that can make all the difference! Register today to secure your place at the early bird rate!


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